GO into the PUBLIC / het Labo atrium
Mobile gallery by Masaya Sawada
Japanese artists from far east
2021/ 5 / 2 - 5 / 5 OPEN HOUR 14:00 - 20:00 (LAST DAY 14:00 -18:00 )
2021/ 5 /6 thu - 5 / 15 sat ( appointment only by mail : mail@hetlaboatrium.info)
本企画展はContemporary Jewellery Symposium Tokyo の協賛企画展として、
開催いたします。CJSTmore info.
尚、het Labo atriumは現在も高田馬場にて空間作りを続けております。モバイルギャラリーとともに、完成までのプロセスも同時に体感頂く企画となっております。
The original idea of het Labo atrium was a mobile gallery outside of the immobile building.
It become realized by the synchronization with the "Art Caravan" project by Masaya Sawada.
In this exhibition, Mr. Sawada will present the ideas of het Labo atrium as a mobile gallery.
A small gallery created by the artist will become one form of media to go out to the public as a plan for presenting contemporary jewelry artist living in Japan.
In addition, het Labo atrium is still creating a space in Takadanobaba. Along with the mobile gallery, it is a project that you can experience upon its completion.
CJST more info